David McCormick
David McCormick FAILS the senate candidate checklist. Take a look!
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David McCormick left his Connecticut mansion and moved to Pennsylvania only a few months ago. How can he represent us when he doesn't even know us? Remember: when we let a stranger buy our vote, they get everything and we get ... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
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David McCormick has no interest in talking to actual Pennsylvanians to find out what we need. Instead, he hopes we don't notice that he's trying to buy our votes while only listening to his rich pals from everywhere but Pennsylvania. How can he represent us if he doesn't even know us?
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David McCormick is so out of touch with regular Pennsylvanians that he doesn't even mention the high cost of healthcare on his website. If he doesn't care enough to ask what we need, why should PA vote for him?
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David McCormick cares so little about our kids that his vulture hedge fund cost PA public school districts millions of dollars — all so he could put our tax money in his pocket. We can't trust him to do right by us in Washington.
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Did you know that David McCormick once failed so spectacularly at employing Pennsylvanians that the state had to clawback grant money?
He also thinks it is A-OK for companies to pay you $7.25 an hour while he spends $9 million on a house he doesn't even live in. It would take 596 years for us to make enough to buy just this one of his multiple homes at that rate. Start now and you can buy it in the summer of the year 2618!